Area Slide Show

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The ice pick on harpoons and lances was used to test rotting ice in the spring to assure good footing. This is a typical antler ice pick.
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Base Location

Zi.Ki.A, Inc was formerly located near Glacier National Park in close proximity to the Rocky Mountain Front, Bob Marshal-Scapegoat-Great Bear Wilderness Complex, and the Flathead and Blackfeet Indian Reservations. This spectacular land with magnificent ecosystems nurtured many species and indigenous cultures for generations where many items of native technology were created. Zi.Ki.A, with close kinship to A.N.T., is currently based in the Coastal Plain area of the Southeast United States accessible to the Atlantic Coast, Gulf of Mexico, and the vast Okefenokee Swamp and National Wildlife Refuge with renewed opportunities to accompl;ish its mission.

Okefenokee Swamp by Canoe
Alligator in Okefenokee Swamp


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