here land and water, and its inhabitants are cared for with respect and responsible interactions that assure harmonious balance for maintaining a healthy world.

ZI.KI.A, Inc. is dedicated to providing a better understanding of naturalistic cultures, their life-ways, achievements, and contributions for technologically advanced people seeking to improve their own knowledge, quality of life on Earth, and understanding their true relationship to the natural world.

Our goal is to offer unique educational experiences that perpetuate appreciation and preservation of ancient cultural heritage, indigenous technologies, and generate respectful, responsible relationships between people and Earth's Eco-systems.

Ancient Naturalistic Technology (A.N.T.) is a major component of Zi.Ki.A, Inc. Handmade, authentically created artifacts are used as teaching aids to show how naturalistic cultures design and build to flow within nature utilizing resources to achieve maximum benefit without without contaminating or destroying the very essentials provided to them by nature.These educational tools representing ancient life-ways reach into indigenous worlds giving clearer understanding of cultural heritage and technological contributions to benefit contemporary society. A.N.T. serves a significant role in our commitment to preserve and pass on the integrity of indigenous technology and promote positive kinship between man and nature for generations to come.


© 2021 Zi.Ki.A
Photo of St. Mary Lake
© 2013 Montana Stock Photos